ENT Diagnostic Set AM-WG-XP

Technical Specifications

  1. Ophthalmoscope— 1.
  2. Otoscope Carrier— 1.
  3. Ear Specula— 4.
  4. Nasal Speculum— 1.
  5. Laryngeal Mirror Stem— 1.
  6. Laryngeal Mirrors— 2.
  7. Tongue Depressor Plastic — 1.
  8. Battery Handle— 1.
  9. Spare Bulbs (2 Large and 2.

Small 2.5v/0.3A) — 5.

  1. Power Supply: 1.5V X2 “C” Type


AM-WG-XP consists of different ENT (Ear-Nose-and-Throat) tools that are used in medical diagnosis of the ears, nose and throat. These tools are great aid for finding out the health condition of patient’s nose, ears and throat. The ENT diagnostic set, doctor needs in performing medical procedures to the patients.


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